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Flair flight attendants have completed a specialized training autism awareness

canada’s first certified autism aware airline

Flair’s cabin-crew members successfully completed the certification course in 2019 conducted by Connecticut-based Autism Double-Checked: The course is designed to prepare flight attendants to recognize and cater to the special needs of autistic guests as well as to help prepare the autistic guest for the air travel experience.

In North America, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects approximately one in 58 children. Research has shown that families with an autistic child are significantly less likely to take vacations for fear of how their child will react with the unfamiliar challenges represented by crowded airports, airplanes and hotels.

Download the Flair Flyers Guide to prepare for your trip.

Flair’s cabin-crew members successfully completed the certification course in 2019 conducted by Connecticut-based Autism Double-Checked: The course is designed to prepare flight attendants to recognize and cater to the special needs of autistic guests as well as to help prepare the autistic guest for the air travel experience.

In North America, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects approximately one in 58 children. Research has shown that families with an autistic child are significantly less likely to take vacations for fear of how their child will react with the unfamiliar challenges represented by crowded airports, airplanes and hotels.

Download the Flair Flyers Guide to prepare for your trip.

autism aviators take flight

In cooperation with Edmonton International Airport (EIA), CATSA, Autism Edmonton and Autism Double-Checked, Flair hosted a trial boarding event at EIA in June, 2019. Families with autistic children were invited to experience every phase of the airport experience: checking in, clearing security, waiting at the gate, boarding, finding your seat and fastening a seat belt.

In cooperation with Edmonton International Airport (EIA), CATSA, Autism Edmonton and Autism Double-Checked, Flair hosted a trial boarding event at EIA in June, 2019. Families with autistic children were invited to experience every phase of the airport experience: checking in, clearing security, waiting at the gate, boarding, finding your seat and fastening a seat belt.

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