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on board

reach canadians with flair: inflight app
with an ever growth of passengers each year vising destinations across canada, we can provide brands across multiple categories, from destination activities through to consumer product goods, with meaningful opportunities to connect with consumers.

passenger demographics

52% women

48% men

37% millenials

38% gen-x

25% baby boomers

let's get in touch
get in touch to find out how we can help you reach and engage new customers:

reach canadians with flair: inflight app
with an ever growth of passengers each year vising destinations across canada, we can provide brands across multiple categories, from destination activities through to consumer product goods, with meaningful opportunities to connect with consumers.

passenger demographics

52% women

48% men

37% millenials

38% gen-x

25% baby boomers

let's get in touch
get in touch to find out how we can help you reach and engage new customers:

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