You can add bags to your reservation in My Bookings. All fees are based on single flight segments. For the best value, choose a bundle when booking your flight and save. Bundles are available at the time of purchase, within 24 hours from the time of booking and up to 24 hours from departure - so buy early in your Flair journey to save more!
Prices are shown in CAD. For all flights originating from the U.S, prices will be reflected in USD when booking. For all flights originating from Mexico, prices will be reflected in CAD when booking. Prices vary depending on the day of departure and will vary depending on applicable taxes and flight destination. During the Christmas period, December 15 to January 8, bag fees will be $5 higher. To provide the best experience for all passengers, on select flights between Toronto (YYZ) and Kingston (KIN), passengers may be limited to two (2) checked bags due to capacity restrictions. Passengers will be notified at least 48 hours in advance if restrictions apply.All baggage fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Flair Airlines reserves the right to discount bag fees on occasion.
We’ve got you covered with one free personal item per passenger! Think purses, small backpacks, laptop bags, and totes. Just be sure your bag fits into our sizer at the airport—anything larger will need to fly as a carry-on with an added fee. Once onboard, bags with purple tags should be stored under the seat in front of you during the flight.
15 cm x 33 cm x 43 cm (6 in x 13 in x 17 in)
7 kg (15.5 lb)
Have attachment issues? No problem. Guarantee your space in the overhead bin. Carry-ons can include small roller suitcases and small duffel bags. The cheapest time to buy is at the time of booking, and it will get more expensive closer to your flight.
23 cm x 40 cm x 55 cm (9 in x 15.5 in x 21.5 in)
10 kg (22 lb)
Flying light but still want to go hands-free? Our 10kg checked bag allows you to check a smaller bag for a smaller fee. If a 10kg bag is oversized and/or overweight, the passenger will forfeit their purchase and must purchase a 23kg bag at the total airport counter price.
23 cm x 40 cm x 55 cm (9 in x 15.5 in x 21.5 in)
10 kg (22 lb)
Let's face it: sometimes, you might pack a little more than you thought. Well, no worries - when in doubt, check it out.
158 cm (62 in) in total linear dimensions
23 kg (50 lb)
Got lots of baggage? No problem.
158 cm (62 in) in total linear dimensions
23 kg (50 lb)
If you're travelling with more than two checked bags, additional checked baggage charges will apply.
158 cm (62 in) in total linear dimensions
23 kg (50 lb)
If your bag weighs more than 23kg (50lbs), there’ll be an additional fee of $9-$14 per kilogram, plus the standard checked bag fee.
158 cm (62 in) in total linear dimensions; 23-45 kg (50-99 lb) at $9 per kilogram.
For checked bags larger than 158cm (62in) but under 292cm (115in) in total size, oversized fees will apply, along with the standard checked bag fee.
158-292 cm (63-115 in) in total linear dimensions
Please note, if a checked bag is oversized AND overweight, then only the overweight fee applies.